Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Overhire Schedule

John Geller:
Tuesday 10/12/04-- 1:45pm-5:05pm and 6:30pm-10:30pm
Wednesday 10/13/04-- 12pm-6:15pm
Thursday 10/14/04-- 1pm-5pm and 6:30-10:30pm
Friday 10/15/04-- 1-5pm and 6:30-10:30pm
Saturday 10/16/04-- 10am-7pm with a 1 hour lunch break

Matt Hales:
Saturday 10/16/04-- 10am-7pm with 1 hour lunch for grad hours

Dave Ogle:
Saturday10/16/04-- 10am-7pm with a lunch break coinciding with him needing to leave for a meeting for a little while.

Matt Groeneveld:
Shop Supervisor for Saturday 10/16/04 call

This all equals 24 hours for the Saturday call and a little under 30 hours from John Geller during the week. We still will be behind 26 hours from the budget. An update will continue to be posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Huzzah for overhire! and katy-can you send me an itemized load-in breakdown? i.e. people per day, tasks, special tools needed. thanks! rdb