Friday, October 8, 2004

Special Thanks

I always forget to put in people for Special Thanks, so this time I am making an entry, which I will edit, as needed for people that need to but thanked.
  • Milo Train: helping unload lumber, being a sounding board and my friend
  • Louis Stein: helping unload first lumber order
  • Kevin: telling me to ask Paul Lumber about foam glue, thus saving me a trip out to Pennsylbama to buy PL-300, reminding me that yes in fact, I can send the crew early instead of having them build things that make me look stupid, trying to break me of the habit of saying "luggage overhire"
  • Nick McDermott: for rocking my world, being a sounding board and a good friend
  • Matt Hales: looking at my drawings, being a sounding board, sharing the casters, doing grad hours to install the rehearsal stairs, being cool
  • Nick Vaughan: for being understanding that the scenery doesn't come out perfectly sometimes.

Of course, I can't put the "why" part in the program, but I can keep track of it as they come up.

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