Friday, January 12, 2007

A 2007 Horoscope

I just followed a link in a post of Sarah Louise's to Paula's blog, who has a sidebar link to Crazy Aunt Purl, who I have only read occasionally, but now have added to my Google Reader feeds, and this, here, is something that I wanted to share:

ARIES (March 21- April 19)

No one has ever accused an Aries of being too Pisces, too unable to take a stand or have an opinion or make up a big ol' Aries mind. No one ever confuses Aries with Cancer, always dreaming of the future or the past and never fully present. Aries can make decisions quickly, right now! In the moment! But Aries has a bit of an impulse-control issue, too, so in 2007 your To-Don't is clear: Don't live entirely based on your impulses. Use your big Aries brain and your equally big heart to balance out your decisions. Acting on impulse may be fine at the grocery store or the shoe store, but it gets harder to justify "I just wanted to!" with family and friends and work. Your To-Do for 2007 is a good one, though: Do spend more time indulging your snooty, refined, prissy self. Aries make excellent foodies, and great wine lovers, and fabulous art critics. Aries folks can enjoy the finer parts of life like nobody's business. Make it your business!

The bit above is about me. Go here to get your own horoscope To Dos and To Don'ts for 2007.

1 comment:

Sarah Louise said...

Stay tuned for mine...I already posted 2x today, I'm not posting AGAIN! But it's in the draft mode...