Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I love the silly useful-ness of this product

Fling - ONELESSBAG canvas bag: Its a standard canvas tote bag with a picture of a blue plastic bag screen printed on it. The intention is to use it instead of plastic bags, and considering the mountain of plastic bags in my house, and how bad they are for the environment, I think that this spring, I will be trying to switch to reusable bags. I used to use them all the time at Trader Joe's in CT, but have somehow strayed from the strategy.


Sarah Louise said...

Except in the City of Pittsburgh, those blue bags are useful for recyclables at the curb and I use the white ones for trash bags. At Whole Foods, I get paper (with handles) which I use for paper recycling.

Not to be petulant or anything...

Katy said...

That is true about the usefulness of a limited number of bags, but I'm guessing that you have a net gain of bags, collecting more in a month than you use for garbage containment.

I'm just saying, as I use them for trash, but they are still taking over the kitchen.

Sarah Louise said...

I know...I have a huge bag of bags on its way to be recycled at Giant Iggle...